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Typing Test

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Typing Test to check typing speed online - the official Learn2Type.com test. Measure your WPM speed and allow you to share your daily typing scores with friends on Facebook or Google+.

Type the exercise paragraph exactly as shown below and click the TEST ME! button when finished. Your speed and accuracy will be measured automatically by the typing test, and a performance evaluation will be displayed along with your typing speed.

You may also get an optional typing certificate with online verification and a professionally printed certification document suitable for framing after completing the typing tests. Remember, keyboarding accuracy is just as important as speed, so don't rush through the typing exercise. You may also create a free typing lesson account that will allow you to store your typing test results and provide performance graphs, so you can monitor your own typing skill improvement over time.
When taking these typing tests, you do NOT need to press the ENTER key between lines, the text that you type will automatically wrap to the next line when it reaches the end. Click in the box below to start the timer and begin the test.
Typing Test           Click here to load a new test exercise
Here is a simple experiment that will teach you an important electrical lesson: On a cool, dry day, scuff your feet along a carpet, then reach your hand into a friend's mouth and touch one of his dental fillings. Did you notice how your friend twitched violently and cried out in pain? This teaches us that electricity can be a very powerful force, but we must never use it to hurt others unless we need to learn an important electrical lesson.


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